Medical Definition of Cellular infiltration

1. Migration of cells from their sources of origin, or direct extension of cells as a result of unusual growth and multiplication, thereby resulting in fairly well-defined foci, irregular accumulations, or diffusely distributed individual cells in the connective tissue and interstices of various organs and tissues; used especially with reference to such changes associated with inflammations and certain types of malignant neoplasms. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Cellular Infiltration

cellular automata
cellular automaton
cellular biology
cellular biophysics
cellular blue nevus
cellular cartilage
cellular division
cellular embolism
cellular engineering
cellular immune theory
cellular immunity
cellular immunity deficiency syndrome
cellular immunodeficiency with abnormal immunoglobulin synthesis
cellular inclusion
cellular infiltration (current term)
cellular microbiology
cellular mobile
cellular mobiles
cellular mosaicism
cellular oncogene
cellular pathology
cellular phone
cellular phones
cellular polyp
cellular respiration
cellular retinoic acid binding protein
cellular slime mold
cellular slime mould
cellular telephone

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