Definition of Businessperson
1. Noun. A capitalist who engages in industrial commercial enterprise.
Generic synonyms: Capitalist
Specialized synonyms: Accountant, Comptroller, Controller, Account Executive, Account Representative, Customer's Broker, Customer's Man, Registered Representative, Agent, Broker, Factor, Businessman, Man Of Affairs, Businesswoman, Enterpriser, Entrepreneur, Exporter, Importer, Merchandiser, Merchant, Shipper, Provider, Supplier
Definition of Businessperson
1. Noun. a person in business, one who works at a commercial institution. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Businessperson
1. [n -S]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Businessperson
Literary usage of Businessperson
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. A Basic Guide to Exporting edited by William M. Daley, Daniel T. Scott (2000)
"Although it is expensive to travel and a businessperson's time is valuable, an
overloaded schedule can be counterproductive. ..."
2. S. 442, the Internet Tax Freedom Act: Hearing Before the Committee on edited by Conrad Burns (2000)
"In point of fact it is usually not the laws of a businessperson's own state ...
Thus the businessperson engaged in interstate commerce has only one place to ..."
3. An Overview of Affirmative Action: Hearing Before the Committee on the edited by Hank Brown (1998)
"The same businessperson who is poorly capitalized for government contracting,
may in fact be adequately capitalized in another segment of the economy. ..."
4. Make a Difference: A Spectacular Breakthrough in the Fight Against Poverty by Gary MacDougal (2005)
"A businessperson can also help the local United Way or nonprofits start to connect
with local human services offices to help people become self-sufficient. ..."