Definition of Bruising
1. Adjective. Causing mental or emotional injury. "Protected from the bruising facts of battle"
2. Adjective. Brutally forceful and compelling. "Protected from the bruising facts of battle"
Definition of Bruising
1. Verb. (present participle of bruise) ¹
2. Noun. (slang) A violent physical attack on a person. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Bruising
1. bruise [v] - See also: bruise
Lexicographical Neighbors of Bruising
Literary usage of Bruising
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Edinburgh Medical Journal (1893)
"The case was that of a woman who had been found on the railway lines after having
been run over the abdomen by some trucks; there was no external bruising ..."
2. Lachesis Lapponica: Or, A Tour in Lapland, Now First Published from the by Carl von Linné (1811)
"In every river a wheel is placed, contrived to lift up a hammer for the purpose
of bruising flax. ..."
3. Reminiscences: Personal and Other Incidents ; Early Settlement of Otsego by Levi Beardsley (1852)
"Cold bath for one,—Cutting of, but not "bruising the Serpent's head." —" Coon"
Hunt at night.—Habits of the Raccoon and Opossum.—Fox chase. ..."