Definition of Box camera

1. Noun. A simple camera shaped like a rectangular box.

Exact synonyms: Box Kodak
Generic synonyms: Camera, Photographic Camera

Definition of Box camera

1. Noun. (photography) A very simple type of photographic camera, being box shaped, and with a simple lens, and using roll film for taking snapshot pictures. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Box Camera

box-office bomb
box-office bombs
box-to-box midfielder
box-to-box midfielders
box Kodak
box and whiskers plot
box beam
box calf
box camera
box cameras
box clever
box coat
box cutter
box cutters
box elder
box end wrench
box family
box girder
box huckleberry
box in
box iron
box irons
box jelly

Literary usage of Box camera

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Camera (1907)
"One day he showed me a box camera—one of those little dollar-and-a-half affairs— with a shutter that buzzed eloquently every time you touched a button. ..."

2. The American Annual of Photography (1907)
"If much work in public places, taking of natural groups, etc., is projected, a small and reliable form of box camera such as a Newman & Guardia quarter ..."

3. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: “a” Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature edited by Hugh Chisholm (1911)
"They generally consist of a cubical box camera containing a movable mirror facing the lens at an angle of 45° and throwing up the image projected from it on ..."

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