Definition of Bow window

1. Noun. A window that sticks out from the outside wall of a house.

Exact synonyms: Bay Window
Specialized synonyms: Oriel, Oriel Window
Generic synonyms: Window

Definition of Bow window

1. Noun. (architecture) A curved, bow-shaped window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building, similar to a bay window. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bow Window

bow chaser
bow down
bow leg
bow legs
bow net
bow nets
bow out
bow pencil
bow pencils
bow saw
bow shock
bow shocks
bow spring
bow thruster
bow tie
bow window
bow windows
bow wood
bow wow
bow wows

Literary usage of Bow window

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Encyclopaedia Britannica, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and edited by Hugh Chisholm (1910)
"The most important of these features were the following:—the bow window, rectangular or polygonal, of which the earliest examples date from the reign of ..."

2. The Atlantic Monthly by Making of America Project (1865)
"Carpets are put down, the floors glow under the hands of obedient workmen, and now the furniture is being wheeled in. " Put the piano in the bow-window," ..."

3. The Antiquary (1891)
"... is taken from an old engraving of the place, giving a view of the house opposite to the entrance, the door being on the other side of the bow window. ..."

4. Ellen Middleton: A Tale by Georgiana Fullerton (1846)
"... immediately after we had finished eating, to have the table cleared, and to draw our chairs to the open bow-window. It commanded a view all down the ..."

5. The Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delany: With by Delany (Mary) (1862)
"Princess Mary was sitting in the first bow window- looking at the crowd gathered under it. I stop'd, and she a«ked me several questions, in which time I was ..."

6. Words, Facts, and Phrases: A Dictionary of Curious, Quaint, & Out-of-the-way by Eliezer Edwards (1882)
"Bay-window, Bow-window. A bay-window is one so formed that it forms a ... A bow-window is a similar window, but its front is a segment of a circle, ..."

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