Definition of Bog laurel
1. Noun. Laurel of bogs of northwestern United States having small purple flowers and pale leaves that are glaucous beneath.
Lexicographical Neighbors of Bog Laurel
Literary usage of Bog laurel
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Vascular Flora of Pennsylvania: Annotated Checklist and Atlas by Ann Fowler Rhoads, William MacKinley Klein (1993)
"... acidic woods and slopes. The state flower of Pennsylvania. Kalmia polifolia Wang.
bog laurel Evergreen shrub Floating sphagnum bog mats. ..."
2. Military Geology and Topography: A Presentation of Certain Phases of Geology by Herbert Ernest Gregory (1918)
"... so called because of the predominance of shrubs belonging to the heath family,
including the cranberry and bog huckleberry, the lambkill and bog laurel, ..."
3. Country Acres: A Guide to Buying and Managing Rural Property by Lowell L. Klessig (1999)
"Vegetation includes black spruce, tamarack, cranberry, bog laurel, Labrador tea,
leather- leaf, and sometimes rare plants such as moccasin flower, ..."
4. Classification of Wetlands & Deepwater Habitats of the U. S. by Lewis M. Cowardin (1979)
"... bog laurel (Kalmia poli/olia), and the semi-evergreen leather- leaf (Chamaedaphne
calyculata). ..."