Definition of Bodyless
1. Adjective. Having no trunk or main part. "A bodiless head"
Definition of Bodyless
1. Noun. (alternative spelling of bodiless) ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Lexicographical Neighbors of Bodyless
Literary usage of Bodyless
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Threshold of Science: A Variety of Simple and Amusing Experiments by Charles Romley Alder Wright (1891)
"The bodyless Lady, or Talking Head.—Another popular illusion worked by reflection
is one which is capable of being shown in many different ways, ..."
2. Letters to a Friend: Written to Mrs. Ezra S. Carr, 1866-1879 by John Muir (1915)
"... who will doubtless be able to decipher the meaning of heads and tails of your
bodyless sentences. I 'm sorry most of all for the destruction of the ..."
3. The System of the Vedânta: According to Bâdarâyaṇa's Brahma-sûtras and by Paul Deussen (1912)
""But the bodyless are not moved by desire and pain. ... the clouds, the lightning,
the thunder are " bodyless. Therefore as these rise out of the universe ..."
4. Outline of New Testament Christology: A Study of Genetic Relationships by John Cowper Granbery (1909)
"... that he seemed to suffer, being themselves the seeming; and as they think, it
shall also happen to them, because they are bodyless and demoniacal. ..."
5. Three Old Maids in Hawaii by Ellen Blackmar Maxwell (1896)
"But it would not go; there was the handsome head and the sad blue eyes; now she
got on to her feet and still there was that bodyless head, but now the lips ..."