Definition of Body waste
1. Noun. Waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body.
Specialized synonyms: Bm, Dejection, Faecal Matter, Faeces, Fecal Matter, Feces, Ordure, Stool, Fecula, Wormcast, Human Waste, Pee, Piddle, Piss, Urine, Water, Weewee, Barf, Puke, Vomit, Vomitus, Guano
Generic synonyms: Waste, Waste Material, Waste Matter, Waste Product
Lexicographical Neighbors of Body Waste
Literary usage of Body waste
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. A Handbook of Health by Woods Hutchinson (1920)
"The solid part of our body waste, or the " ashes," is of two kinds — that ...
The insoluble part of our solid body waste goes into the feces and is thus ..."
2. Scientific Nutrition Simplified: A Condensed Statement and Explanation for by Goodwin Brown (1908)
"Poisonous properties of the body-waste. Metabolism. Quantities of food necessary
to the maintenance of physical efficiency. The old dietary standards. ..."
3. The Non-heredity of Inebriety by Leslie E. Keeley (1896)
"Alcohol antagonizes all of these resultants. It lowers the temperature in fever
and greatly lessens the body waste caused by the ..."
4. Diseases of the Urinary and Male Sexual Organs by William Thomas Belfield (1884)
"For it is found that the urea excreted represents not only the albuminous substances
of the food, but also almost as much body waste as occurred during the ..."
5. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Food and Drugs, Pt. 800-1299, Revised by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Staff (2005)
"A washen fon body waste ... that is used to clean and sanitize a body waste ...
When the doon is closed the body waste ..."
6. Questions on anatomy, histology and physiology for the use of students by Corydon La Ford (1878)
"Do all tissues of the body waste by normal use? Is this operation in constant
progress in all tissues ? In what way does worn-out material disappear? ..."