Definition of Blackbeetle
1. Noun. Dark brown cockroach originally from orient now nearly cosmopolitan in distribution.
Generic synonyms: Cockroach, Roach
Group relationships: Blatta, Genus Blatta
Lexicographical Neighbors of Blackbeetle
Literary usage of Blackbeetle
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Metropolitan (1833)
"Several. A song, a song. Come, O'Sullivan, tip us a stave. O'A'. With all possible
alacrity—hurrah my boys, here goes ! Gaffer blackbeetle, pray where are ..."
2. Confessio Medici by Stephen Paget (1908)
"Suddenly, into this abstract environment, enter, by chance, a mouse and a blackbeetle.
What do they make of it all ? How does it strike them ? ..."
3. The Contemporary Review (1898)
"The blackbeetle is universally detested and trampled upon, ... The blackbeetle
to betray Our Lord in His flight to Egypt. Herod's men were 10 pursuit of Him ..."
4. The Folk-lore Journal by Folklore Society (Great Britain) (1883)
"A very similar legend from the south of Ireland, wherein the blackbeetle turns
informer under the same circumstances, but is punished by having his original ..."
5. Out of Town by Francis Cowley Burnand (1870)
"Was that a blackbeetle on the floor ? I have heard dreadful stories about ...
There is no crime I believe that a blackbeetle will not commit. ..."