Definition of Black medick
1. Noun. Prostrate European herb with small yellow flowers and curved black pods; naturalized in North America.
Generic synonyms: Medic, Medick, Trefoil
Lexicographical Neighbors of Black Medick
Literary usage of Black medick
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Journal of Heredity by American Genetic Association (1914)
"As previously stated, the black medick is frequently regarded as a weed, ...
This property which black medick possesses of producing seed from self- ..."
2. A Popular Description of the Indigenous Plants of Lanarkshire: With a by William Patrick (1831)
"... Species I. black medick or Nonsuch, M. Lupulina. Frequent- in fields and by
road sides. ... black medick ..."
3. Winston's Cumulative ... Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Reference Bookby Charles Morris by Charles Morris (1917)
"... caused by the entrance into the body of from the black color of the ripe pods,
is the case of zymotic diseases, they an1 black medick (. ..."
4. The Journal of Heredity by American Genetic Association (1914)
"As previously stated, the black medick is frequently regarded as a weed, ...
This property which black medick possesses of producing seed from self- ..."
5. A Popular Description of the Indigenous Plants of Lanarkshire: With a by William Patrick (1831)
"... Species I. black medick or Nonsuch, M. Lupulina. Frequent- in fields and by
road sides. ... black medick ..."
6. Winston's Cumulative ... Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Reference Bookby Charles Morris by Charles Morris (1917)
"... caused by the entrance into the body of from the black color of the ripe pods,
is the case of zymotic diseases, they an1 black medick (. ..."