Definition of Bangs
1. Noun. (Chiefly American English) Hair cut so as to hang down over the forehead. ¹
2. Noun. (plural of bang) ¹
3. Verb. (third-person singular of bang) ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Bangs
1. bang [v] - See also: bang
Lexicographical Neighbors of Bangs
Literary usage of Bangs
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. American Book Prices Current by Katherine Kyes Leab, Daniel J Leab (1906)
"Maud, and other Poems. Lond., 1855. lomo. Orig. cl., une., bangs, M., ... Lev.
mor. ex., gt, une., by Rivière (with bookplate of TJ Wise), bangs, M., Nov. ..."
2. The Auk: Quarterly Journal of Ornithology by American Ornithologists' Union, Nuttall Ornithological Club (1876)
"JAA bangs on New American Birds.— In a recent paper* Mr. bangs has described ...
In an earlier paper3 (not previously here noticed) Mr. bangs has described ..."
3. Our American Humorists by Thomas Lansing Masson (1922)
"Mr. bangs was one of the principal factors in the development of this ...
Before he became the editor of Puck, however, Mr. bangs was the editor of "The ..."
4. Annals of the American Pulpit: Or, Commemorative Notices of Distinguished by William Buell Sprague (1859)
"... bangs, though the fact of my being about to leave the country obliges me to do it
... bangs was the son of the venerable Nathan bangs, DD, of this city, ..."
5. Auction Prices of Books: A Representative Record Arranged in Alphabetical by Luther Samuel Livingston (1905)
"Cl. (plates on India paper), bangs Mar. 31, '98. (11) $10. ... CL, bangs, Apr.
16, 1900. (28) $32. CL, bangs, May 28, 1900. (39) $27. CL, French, Apr., '01. ..."
6. The Birds of North and Middle America: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Higher by Robert Ridgway (1907)
"... sororia bangs, Proc. Biol. ... Wash., xii, Oct. 31, 1898, 175 (Palomina, Santa
Marta, Colombia; coll. EA and O. bangs). ..."
7. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature by John Lansing Wendell, New York (State). Supreme Court (1874)
"On the 7th November, bangs presented the order, received the cow, ... In March,
1825, on being pressed for payment of the note, the defendant told bangs he ..."