Definition of Banana peel

1. Noun. The skin of a banana (especially when it is stripped off and discarded). "He slipped on a banana skin and almost fell"

Exact synonyms: Banana Skin
Generic synonyms: Peel, Skin

Definition of Banana peel

1. Noun. The several outermost layers of a banana, which can collectively be stripped off of the interior flesh of the fruit, and which may be slippery if stepped on. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Banana Peel

banana boats
banana bond
banana bread
banana equivalent dose
banana family
banana hammock
banana hammocks
banana kick
banana kicks
banana leaf
banana leaves
banana oil
banana orbit
banana paper
banana peel
banana peels
banana pepper
banana peppers
banana plug
banana plugs
banana pudding
banana quit
banana republic
banana republics
banana seat
banana skin
banana split
banana splits
banana tree

Literary usage of Banana peel

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. American law reports annotated (1920)
"App. —, 185 SW 969, an action for injuries sustained by a passenger who claimed to have slipped upon a banana peel in descending the steps of a railway car, ..."

2. The Profession of Journalism: A Collection of Articles on Newspaper Editing by Willard Grosvenor Bleyer (1918)
"To keep the humor of the banana peel in countenance, we find the picture of a fat man accidentally ..."

3. The Backward Child: A Study of the Psychology and Treatment of Backwardness by Barbara Spofford Morgan (1914)
"And the analytically minded person will be a great deal more apt to slip on the banana peel from the very fact that his ideas, in the process of formation, ..."

4. Diseases of the Nervous System Resulting from Accident and Injury by Pearce Bailey (1906)
"The banana peel was produced in evidence. Jennie Freeman received $125 in respect of these injuries, though the claim agent suspected fraud. ..."

5. Diseases of the nervous system resulting from accident and injury by Pearce Bailey (1909)
"On May 16, 1894, claim against the Boston and Maine Railroad of having been injured by slipping on a banana peel when stepping out of a car at the Prospect ..."

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