Definition of Baldpate
1. Noun. A person whose head is bald.
Generic synonyms: Individual, Mortal, Person, Somebody, Someone, Soul
2. Noun. A widgeon the male of which has a white crown.
Definition of Baldpate
1. n. A baldheaded person.
2. a. Destitute of hair on the head; baldheaded.
Definition of Baldpate
1. Noun. A bald-headed person. ¹
2. Noun. A bird, the American wigeon (''Anas americana''). ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Baldpate
1. a baldhead [n -S] - See also: baldhead
Medical Definition of Baldpate
1. A baldheaded person.
Lexicographical Neighbors of Baldpate
Literary usage of Baldpate
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Publishers Weekly by Publishers' Board of Trade (U.S.), Book Trade Association of Philadelphia, American Book Trade Union, Am. Book Trade Association, R.R. Bowker Company (1913)
"I SEVEN KEYS TO baldpate By EARL DERR DIGGERS baldpate Inn has SEVEN keys.
The novelist has nr"'A _,. . Tlie other six fall into the hands of six apparent ..."
2. The Auk: Quarterly Journal of Ornithology by American Ornithologists' Union, Nuttall Ornithological Club (1916)
"The baldpate has been studied at Jamaica and Leverett Ponds, the Merganser,
Mallard and Black Duck at these ponds and in the Fens and Back-Bay Basin — all ..."
3. The Candle from Under the Bushel: (Luke Xi, 33) ; Or, Thirteen Hundred and by William Hart (1889)
"Why was not the miraculous power of these bones of the old baldpate to restore
the dead to life further tested ? 746. " There came forth fingers of a man's ..."
4. The Birds of Essex County, Massachusetts by Charles Wendell Townsend (1905)
"The baldpate is found sparingly in Essex County during the migrations. ...
The baldpate, being unable to dive, makes use of diving Ducks to obtain food in ..."