Definition of At peace

1. Adjective. Dead. "Our dear departed friend"

Exact synonyms: Asleep, At Rest, Deceased, Departed, Gone
Language type: Euphemism
Similar to: Dead
Derivative terms: Departed

Definition of At peace

1. Adjective. (comparable literally) Free of worries; peaceful. ¹

2. Adjective. (not comparable idiomatic) Dead. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of At Peace

at liberty(p)
at loggerheads
at long last
at loose ends
at most
at night
at no time
at odds
at odds(p)
at once
at one
at one's fingertips
at one time
at one with
at pains
at peace (current term)
at peace(p)
at peace with
at present
at random
at rest
at rest(a)
at rest(p)
at school
at sea
at sea(p)
at sight
at sign
at signs
at sixes and sevens

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