Definition of Articulatio spheroidea
1. Noun. A freely moving joint in which a sphere on the head of one bone fits into a rounded cavity in the other bone.
Exact synonyms: Ball-and-socket Joint, Cotyloid Joint, Enarthrodial Joint, Enarthrosis, Spheroid Joint
Generic synonyms: Articulatio Synovialis, Diarthrosis, Synovial Joint
Specialized synonyms: Articulatio Humeri, Shoulder, Shoulder Joint, Articulatio Coxae, Coxa, Hip, Hip Joint
Generic synonyms: Articulatio Synovialis, Diarthrosis, Synovial Joint
Specialized synonyms: Articulatio Humeri, Shoulder, Shoulder Joint, Articulatio Coxae, Coxa, Hip, Hip Joint
Medical Definition of Articulatio spheroidea
1. A multiaxial synovial joint in which a more or less extensive sphere on the head of one bone fits into a rounded cavity in the other bone, as in the hip joint. Synonym: articulatio spheroidea, articulatio cotylica, cotyloid joint, enarthrodial joint, enarthrosis, socket joint, spheroid articulation, spheroid joint. (05 Mar 2000)