Medical Definition of Arcus aortae

1. The curved portion between the ascending and descending parts of the aorta; it begins as a continuation of the ascending aorta posterior to the sternal angle, runs posteriorly and slightly to the left as it passes over the root of the left lung, and becomes the descending aorta as it reaches and begins to course along the vertebral column; it gives rise to the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid and left subclavian arteries. Any member of the several pairs of arterial channels encircling the embryonic pharynx in the mesenchyme of the brachial arches; there are potentially six pairs, but in mammals the fifth pair is poorly developed or absent. The first and second pairs are functional only in very young embryos; the third pair is involved in the formation of the carotids; the fourth arch on the left is incorporated in the arch of the aorta; the sixth pair forms the proximal part of the pulmonary arteries. A series of arterial channels encircling the embryonic pharynx in the mesenchyme of the branchial arch's. There are potentially six pairs, but in mammals the fifth pair is poorly developed or absent. The first and second pairs are functional only in very young embryos; the third pair is involved in the formation of the carotids; the fourth arch on the left is incorporated in the arch of the aorta; the sixth pair forms the proximal part of the pulmonary arteries. Synonym: arcus aortae. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Arcus Aortae

arcus adiposus
arcus alveolaris mandibulae
arcus alveolaris maxillae
arcus anterior atlantis
arcus aortae (current term)
arcus cartilaginis cricoideae
arcus cornealis
arcus costalis
arcus costarum
arcus dentalis inferior
arcus dentalis superior
arcus ductus thoracici
arcus glossopalatinus
arcus iliopectineus
arcus inguinalis
arcus juvenilis
arcus lipoides
arcus lumbocostalis lateralis
arcus lumbocostalis medialis

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