¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Approvers
1. approver [n] - See also: approver
Lexicographical Neighbors of Approvers
Literary usage of Approvers
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. A History of Crime in England: Illustrating the Changes of the Laws in the by Luke Owen Pike (1873)
"concerning The statement that persons accused by approvers were almost always
... Deaths of approvers in prison are frequently mentioned in the Gaol ..."
2. The Principles of the Law of Evidence: With Elementary Rules for Conducting by William Mawdesley Best, John Archibald Russell (1882)
"(») LC Abbott's Charge to the (C) approvers are mentioned in the Grand Jury on
the Special Corr.mis- »n cient treatise entitled " Dialogus de sion, ..."
3. Criminal Procedure, Or, Commentaries on the Law of Pleading and Evidence and by Joel Prentiss Bishop (1880)
"Accomplices and approvers. § 1156. approvers, anciently. — When, in ancient times,
one was indicted for a capital offence, the court might permit him, ..."
4. The Mirrour of Justices: Written Originally in the Old French, Long Before by Andrew Horne, Anthony Fitzherbert (1903)
"Exception to approvers. To an approver one may thus answer; Sir, I am a true man,
sworn to the king, and within a frank-pledge; and this approver is a felon ..."
5. William George Ward and the Catholic Revival by Wilfrid Philip Ward (1893)
"Under the guidance of Christian self-restraint it chooses its censors and its
approvers. Professor Jebb has said of Erasmus that he was utterly indifferent ..."
6. Borough Customs by Mary Bateson (1904)
"... do that same office himself, he shall dwelle in prison with the felon unto
the time that he wyll do that office or else find an hangman. approvers. ..."
7. Handy Book of the Practice in the Lord Mayor's Court: In Ordinary Actions by David Bingham Daly (1861)
"And the said approvers farther say, that the said attached sum from the time of
the said receipt of the said money, for and in respect whereof the said ..."