¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Acridest
1. acrid [adj] - See also: acrid
Lexicographical Neighbors of Acridest
Literary usage of Acridest
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Works of Thomas Carlyle: (complete). by Thomas Carlyle (1897)
"Mortals driven rabid we find; sputtering the acridest logic; baring their breast
to the battle-hail, their neck to the guillotine : — of whom it is so ..."
2. The World's Great Classics by Timothy Dwight, Julian Hawthorne (1899)
"... if in this huge French Revolution itself, with its all-developing fury, we
find some Three. Mortals driven rabid we find; sputtering the acridest logic; ..."
3. Nether Lochaber: The Natural History, Legends, and Folk-lore of the West by Alexander Stewart (1883)
"... and the acid in their husks at its acridest, women and children plunder the
woods of their hazel nut clusters, which are sold to the manufacturers, who, ..."
4. Camping Out by Warren Hastings Miller (1918)
"Do not permit this; take off a lid and blow the wood to flame again, when she
will go on nicely, making flame instead of near-flame, which is the acridest ..."