Definition of Technicality

1. Noun. A detail that is considered insignificant.

Exact synonyms: Trifle, Triviality
Generic synonyms: Detail, Item, Point
Derivative terms: Technical, Trivial

Definition of Technicality

1. n. The quality or state of being technical; technicalness.

Definition of Technicality

1. Noun. the quality or state of being technical ¹

2. Noun. that which is technical, or peculiar to any trade, profession, sect, or the like. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Technicality

1. [n -TIES]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Technicality

technical error
technical foul
technical fouls
technical knockout
technical knockouts
technical report
technical school
technical sergeant
technical stop
technical support
technical tap
technical tee
technical term
technical terms

Literary usage of Technicality

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Science of Jurisprudence: A Treatise in which the Growth of Positive Law by Hannis Taylor (1908)
"Thus the defect of this, as of all early forms of action, was the technicality and literalism with which it was applied; the Technicality slightest error ..."

2. Code Remedies: Remedies and Remedial Rights by the Civil Action According to by John Norton Pomeroy, Thomas Ashford Bogle (1904)
"Technicality of the.System. ... Still, I do not regard this precision, accuracy, and general technicality, which actually distinguished tin common-law ..."

3. Samuel F.B. Morse: His Letters and Journals by Samuel Finley Breese Morse, Edward Lind Morse (1914)
"Succeeds through legal technicality. — Visit of Prince of Wales. — Duke of Newcastle. — War clouds. — Letters on slavery, etc. — Matthew Vassar. ..."

4. Advertising, Its Principles and Practice by Harry Tipper (1919)
"Technicality of Product This question involves not the technicality required for the manufacture of the product, but the amount of special information which ..."

5. Advertising, Its Principles and Practice by Harry Tipper, Harry Levi Hollingworth, George Burton Hotchkiss, Frank Alvah Parsons (1919)
"Technicality of Product This question involves not the technicality required for the manufacture of the product, but the amount of special information which ..."

6. The Lawyer and His Profession: A Series of Letters to a Solicitor Commencing by Job Orton Smith (1860)
"With regard to the technicality of the language employed in legal documents, I am not prepared to say that this can be absolutely avoided. ..."

7. The Law of Contracts by Samuel Williston, Clarence Martin Lewis (1920)
"Technicality of the distinction. It is obvious, however, that as a practical matter this distinction amounts to nothing if the price paid for the granted ..."

8. The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the by Charles George Herbermann (1913)
"The very nature of Eckhart's subjects and the un- technicality of his language were calculated to cause him to be misunderstood, not only by the ordinary ..."

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