Definition of Suppleness

1. Noun. The gracefulness of a person or animal that is flexible and supple.

Exact synonyms: Lissomeness, Litheness
Generic synonyms: Gracefulness
Derivative terms: Lissome, Lithe, Supple

2. Noun. The property of being pliant and flexible.
Exact synonyms: Pliancy, Pliantness
Generic synonyms: Bendability, Pliability
Derivative terms: Pliant, Pliant, Pliant, Pliant, Supple

3. Noun. Adaptability of mind or character. "He increased the leanness and suppleness of the organization"
Exact synonyms: Pliability, Pliancy, Pliantness
Generic synonyms: Adaptability
Derivative terms: Pliable, Pliant, Pliant, Pliant, Pliant, Supple

Definition of Suppleness

1. n. The quality or state of being supple; flexibility; pliableness; pliancy.

Definition of Suppleness

1. Noun. The quality of being supple. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Suppleness

1. [n -ES]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Suppleness

supplemental restraint system
supplemental restraint systems
supplementary angles
supplementary benefit
suppli al telefono

Literary usage of Suppleness

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Annual of Scientific Discovery, Or, Year-book of Facts in Science and Art by David Ames Wells, George Bliss, Samuel Kneeland, John Trowbridge, Charles Robert Cross (1859)
"hardness, suppleness, or transparency. This substance may replace, in many cases, plaster, marble, ivory, horn, bone, gutta-percha, gelantine, etc. ..."

2. Israel Among the Nations: A Study of the Jews and Antisemitism by Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, Frances Hellman (1895)
"... from a Moral Point of View, his Extreme Suppleness Becomes a Defect—Age-long Debasement of the Jew—How his Conscience sometimes Became Warped— Why the ..."

3. The Light of Nature Pursued by Abraham Tucker, Henry Paulet St. John Mildmay (1831)
"This greater suppleness of the vehicular nature above the gross corporeal, may account for the shortness of the Redeemer's continuance among them: for as ..."

4. Conversations with M. Thiers, M. Guizot, and Other Distinguished Persons by Nassau William Senior (1878)
"He was suppleness itself, compared to Cavaignac. There was no sacrifice that he would not make, no engagement that he would not enter into. ..."

5. China and Religion by Edward Harper Parker (1905)
"Clue by which we can trace the Jews of the Mongol dynasty.— Mussulman independence contrasted with Jewish suppleness. THE Jews may be said to have ..."

6. The New American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge by George Ripley (1859)
"Its expressed juice is employed as a cosmetic; and it is said to give a pleasant suppleness to the skin. It enters into the composition of some of the ..."

7. Physiology of Bodily Exercise by Fernand Lagrange (1890)
"... oppose this tendency—Suppleness a condition of Elegance of Figure—Superiority of Exercises of Skill to Exercises of Strength—Rope-dancers ; Jugglers and ..."

8. The Annual of Scientific Discovery, Or, Year-book of Facts in Science and Art by David Ames Wells, George Bliss, Samuel Kneeland, John Trowbridge, Charles Robert Cross (1859)
"hardness, suppleness, or transparency. This substance may replace, in many cases, plaster, marble, ivory, horn, bone, gutta-percha, gelantine, etc. ..."

9. Israel Among the Nations: A Study of the Jews and Antisemitism by Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, Frances Hellman (1895)
"... from a Moral Point of View, his Extreme Suppleness Becomes a Defect—Age-long Debasement of the Jew—How his Conscience sometimes Became Warped— Why the ..."

10. The Light of Nature Pursued by Abraham Tucker, Henry Paulet St. John Mildmay (1831)
"This greater suppleness of the vehicular nature above the gross corporeal, may account for the shortness of the Redeemer's continuance among them: for as ..."

11. Conversations with M. Thiers, M. Guizot, and Other Distinguished Persons by Nassau William Senior (1878)
"He was suppleness itself, compared to Cavaignac. There was no sacrifice that he would not make, no engagement that he would not enter into. ..."

12. China and Religion by Edward Harper Parker (1905)
"Clue by which we can trace the Jews of the Mongol dynasty.— Mussulman independence contrasted with Jewish suppleness. THE Jews may be said to have ..."

13. The New American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge by George Ripley (1859)
"Its expressed juice is employed as a cosmetic; and it is said to give a pleasant suppleness to the skin. It enters into the composition of some of the ..."

14. Physiology of Bodily Exercise by Fernand Lagrange (1890)
"... oppose this tendency—Suppleness a condition of Elegance of Figure—Superiority of Exercises of Skill to Exercises of Strength—Rope-dancers ; Jugglers and ..."

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