Definition of Speed

1. Verb. Move fast. "They Speed up the hill"; "The cars raced down the street"

2. Noun. Distance travelled per unit time.

3. Verb. Move faster. "These cars won't Speed "; "The car accelerated"
Exact synonyms: Accelerate, Quicken, Speed Up
Specialized synonyms: Brisk, Brisk Up, Brisken
Generic synonyms: Deepen, Intensify
Derivative terms: Accelerative, Acceleratory, Quickening, Speedup
Antonyms: Decelerate

4. Noun. A rate (usually rapid) at which something happens. "The project advanced with gratifying speed"
Exact synonyms: Fastness, Swiftness
Generic synonyms: Pace, Rate
Specialized synonyms: Haste, Hastiness, Hurriedness, Hurry, Precipitation, Execution Speed, Graduality, Gradualness
Attributes: Fast, Slow
Derivative terms: Fast, Fast, Fast, Speedy, Swift

5. Verb. Move very fast. "These cars won't Speed "; "The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed"
Exact synonyms: Hurry, Travel Rapidly, Zip
Generic synonyms: Go, Locomote, Move, Travel
Specialized synonyms: Dart, Fleet, Flit, Flutter, Run, Whizz, Whizz Along, Zoom, Zoom Along
Derivative terms: Hurry, Hurrying
Also: Speed Up

6. Noun. Changing location rapidly.
Exact synonyms: Hurrying, Speeding
Generic synonyms: Motion, Move, Movement
Specialized synonyms: Acceleration, Quickening, Speedup, Deceleration, Scud, Scudding
Derivative terms: Hurry, Speedy

7. Verb. Travel at an excessive or illegal velocity. "These cars won't Speed "; "I got a ticket for speeding"
Generic synonyms: Go, Locomote, Move, Travel
Derivative terms: Speeder, Speeding

8. Noun. The ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system.
Exact synonyms: F Number, Focal Ratio, Stop Number
Generic synonyms: Ratio

9. Verb. Cause to move faster. "He accelerated the car"

10. Noun. A central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression.

Definition of Speed

1. n. Prosperity in an undertaking; favorable issue; success.

2. v. i. To go; to fare.

3. v. t. To cause to be successful, or to prosper; hence, to aid; to favor.

Definition of Speed

1. Proper noun. (surname from=Middle English) ¹

2. Noun. the state of moving quickly or the capacity for rapid motion; rapidity ¹

3. Noun. the rate of motion or action, specifically (mathematics) /(physics) the magnitude of the velocity; the rate distance is traversed in a given time ¹

4. Noun. (photography) the sensitivity to light of film, plates. ¹

5. Noun. (slang) any amphetamine drug used as a stimulant, especially illegally, especially methamphetamine ¹

6. Noun. (archaic) luck, success, prosperity ¹

7. Verb. (intransitive archaic) To succeed; to prosper, be lucky. ¹

8. Verb. (transitive archaic) To help someone, to give them fortune. ¹

9. Verb. (intransitive) To go fast, especially excessively fast. ¹

10. Verb. (intransitive) To exceed the speed limit. ¹

11. Verb. (transitive) To increase the rate at which something occurs ¹

12. Verb. (intransitive slang) To be under the influence of stimulant drugs, especially amphetamines. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Speed

1. to move swiftly [v SPED or SPEEDED, SPEEDING, SPEEDS]

Medical Definition of Speed

1. 1. To go; to fare. "To warn him now he is too farre sped." (Remedy of Love) 2. To experience in going; to have any condition, good or ill; to fare. "Ships heretofore in seas lke fishes sped; The mightiest still upon the smallest fed." (Waller) 3. To fare well; to have success; to prosper. "Save London, and send true lawyers their meed! For whoso wants money with them shall not speed!" (Lydgate) "I told ye then he should prevail, and speed On his bad errand." (Milton) 4. To make haste; to move with celerity. "I have speeded hither with the very extremest inch of possibility." (Shak) 5. To be expedient. Origin: AS. Spdan, fr. Spd, n.; akin to D. Spoeden, G. Sich sputen. See Speed. 1. Prosperity in an undertaking; favorable issue; success. "For common speed." "O Lord God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day." (Gen. Xxiv. 12) 2. The act or state of moving swiftly; swiftness; velocity; rapidly; rate of motion; dispatch; as, the speed a horse or a vessel. "Speed, to describe whose swiftness number fails." (Milton) In kinematics, speedis sometimes used to denote the amount of velocity without regard to direction of motion, while velocity is not regarded as known unless both the direction and the amount are known. 3. One who, or that which, causes or promotes speed or success. "Hercules be thy speed!" God speed, Good speed; prosperity. See Godspeed. Speed gauge, Speed indicator, and Speed recorder, a power lathe with a rapidly revolving spindle, for turning small objects, for polishing, etc.; a hand lathe. Speed pulley, a cone pulley with steps. Synonym: Haste, swiftness, celerity, quickness, dispatch, expedition, hurry, acceleration. See Haste. Origin: AS. Spd success, swiftness, from spwan to succeed; akin to D. Spoedd, OHG. Spuot success, spuot to succees, Skr. Spha to increase, grow fat. B. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Speed

speed boat
speed bump
speed bumps
speed camera
speed cameras
speed chess
speed cop
speed cushion
speed dating
speed demon
speed demons

Literary usage of Speed

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1918)
"If R is the ratio that the speed of a given negative corpuscle bears to the speed of light when the electrical part of the transversal ..."

2. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1918)
"Unreliability at any speed, due to poor cast- Pic. 32. ... Failure to operate at more than one speed, due As the construction having these faults ..."

3. A Text-book of Physics by William Watson (1911)
"Thus, suppose ' that the particle starts from rest If the speed of the particle is uniformly accelerated, the speed will ' . ..."

4. The Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare, Kenneth Deighton (1905)
"Launce. With my master's ship ? why, it is at sea. Speed. ... Speed. Let me read them. Launce. Fie on thee, jolt-head ! thou canst not read. Speed. ..."

5. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1920)
"Among these many advantages he gives the following: (1) increased speed; (2) increased economy of steam; (3) increased carrying power of vessel; ..."

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