¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Saccharimeters
1. saccharimeter [n] - See also: saccharimeter
Lexicographical Neighbors of Saccharimeters
Literary usage of Saccharimeters
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. A Handbook of Sugar Analysis: A Practical and Descriptive Treatise for Use by Charles Albert Browne (1912)
"This invention, known as the quartz- wedge compensation, is the characteristic
feature of all saccharimeters. In the quartz-wedge saccharimeter the ..."
2. The Optical Rotating Power of Organic Substances and Its Practical Applications by Hans Landolt, Otto Schönrock, Paul Lindner (1902)
"For the reasons mentioned in §113, the apparatus should not, therefore, be used
in exact measurements. b. Saccharimeters 122. Simple Wedge-Compensation. ..."
3. The Optical Rotating Power of Organic Substances and Its Practical Applications by Hans Landolt, Otto Schönrock, Paul Lindner (1902)
"For the reasons mentioned in §113, the apparatus should not, therefore, be used
in exact measurements. b. Saccharimeters 122. Simple Wedge-Compensation. ..."
4. A Handbook of Sugar Analysis: A Practical and Descriptive Treatise for Use by Charles Albert Browne (1912)
"This invention, known as the quartz- wedge compensation, is the characteristic
feature of all saccharimeters. In the quartz-wedge saccharimeter the ..."
5. A Handbook of Sugar Analysis: A Practical and Descriptive Treatise for Use by Charles Albert Browne (1912)
"This invention, known as the quartz- wedge compensation, is the characteristic
feature of all saccharimeters. In the quartz-wedge saccharimeter the ..."
6. Beet-sugar Making and Its Chemical Control by Yasujuro Nikaido (1909)
"Fig. 27 shows a saccharimeter with all the optical parts mounted in their proper
places. Costly saccharimeters are provided with a ..."
7. Sugar Analysis: For Cane-sugar and Beet-sugar Houses, Refineries and by Ferdinand Gerhard Wiechmann (1914)
"... Saccharimeters. Basing on the property of circular polarization, instruments
have been constructed by which the strength of solutions containing ..."