Definition of Pernicious

1. Adjective. Exceedingly harmful.

Exact synonyms: Baneful, Deadly, Pestilent
Similar to: Noxious
Derivative terms: Deadliness, Perniciousness, Pestilence

2. Adjective. Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way. "A subtle poison"
Exact synonyms: Insidious, Subtle
Similar to: Harmful
Derivative terms: Insidiousness, Perniciousness

Definition of Pernicious

1. a. Quick; swift (to burn).

2. a. Having the quality of injuring or killing; destructive; very mischievous; baleful; malicious; wicked.

Definition of Pernicious

1. Adjective. Causing much harm in a subtle way. ¹

2. Adjective. Causing death or injury; deadly. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Pernicious

1. [adj]

Medical Definition of Pernicious

1. Tending to a fatal issue. Origin: L. Perniciosus This entry appears with permission from the Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology (11 Mar 2008)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Pernicious

perna disease
pernambuco wood
pernicious anaemia
pernicious anaemia type rubriblast
pernicious anemia
pernicious anemias
pernicious anæmia
pernicious malaria
pernicious vomiting

Literary usage of Pernicious

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences by Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (U.S.) (1919)
"A careful review of the subject, however, reveals that many of our pet views concerning pernicious anemia rest on a foundation that is indeed insecure; ..."

2. Proceedings by Philadelphia County Medical Society (1896)
"THE TREATMENT OF Pernicious ANEMIA. ALFRED STENGEL, MD [Read April 8, 189C. ... Therefore we are led to the belief that in all cases of pernicious anemia ..."

3. The Medical Clinics of North America by Michael C. Fiore, Stephen S. Entman, Charles B. Rush (1922)
"CONNIE M. GUION NEW YORK INFIRMARY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN A TYPICAL CASE OF Pernicious ANEMIA THIS patient presents a classical picture of pernicious anemia ..."

4. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease by Philadelphia Neurological Society, American Neurological Association, Chicago Neurological Society, New York Neurological Association (1915)
"The object of this paper, however, is to consider chiefly the histopathological alterations involving the brain and spinal cord in a case of pernicious ..."

5. La intossicazione chinica e l'infezione malarica by Salvatore Tomaselli, William Sydney Thayer (1897)
"The term pernicious has come into such general use that it should, ... The pernicious forms of malarial fever are very rarely seen in temperate climates. ..."

6. Medical Record by George Frederick Shrady, Thomas Lathrop Stedman (1896)
"While very acute cases of pernicious anaemia had been recorded, ... As evidence of the excessive destruction of red blood cells in pernicious anaemia, ..."

7. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease by American Neurological Association, Philadelphia Neurological Society, Chicago Neurological Society, New York Neurological Association, Boston Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (1915)
"The object of this paper, however, is to consider chiefly the histopathological alterations involving the brain and spinal cord in a case of pernicious ..."

8. A Text-book of medicine for students and practitioners by Adolf von Strümpell (1901)
"Pernicious Intermittent Fever.—This dangerous form occurs only in the true malarial ... A second form of pernicious intermittent fever causes violent ..."

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