Medical Definition of Parallel Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Electron energy loss spectroscopy analyses the inelastically scattered electrons present in the beam after it has been transmitted through the sample. An electron energy loss spectrum typically consists of a monatomic decreasing background on which are superimposed a number of peaks. Each peak is characteristic of the scattering process that has occurred in the sample. The peaks can be used to obtain information about the chemical composition and electronic structure of the sample. Electron energy loss spectra are acquired typically in a magnetic sector spectrometer located under the camera chamber of the transmission electron microscope. Spatial resolution is typically limited by the minimum probe diameter of the microscope. Electron energy loss spectroscopy tends to be complimentary to EDS in that it can be used to analyse very thin samples of low Z materials.
Acronym: PEELS
(05 Aug 1998)
Lexicographical Neighbors of Parallel Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
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