Medical Definition of PAP technique
1. Colloquial abbreviation for Papanicolaou's stain.
2. Peroxidase antiperoxidase method for obtaining an enhanced peroxidase reaction to indicate antibody binding to antigen.
In the first stage the material, for example a section, is reacted with a specific antiserum (say rat) against the antigen. In the next stage a large excess of say rabbit antirat immunoglobulin is applied so that only one of the binding sites is bound to the first antibody.
Then a rat antiperoxidase antiserum is bound to the second antibody unfilled sites and finally peroxidase is added and binds to the third antiserum before the peroxidase is used to develop a colour reaction.
This entry appears with permission from the Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology
(11 Mar 2008)
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