Definition of Organizer

1. Noun. A person who brings order and organization to an enterprise. "She was the organizer of the meeting"

Exact synonyms: Arranger, Organiser
Specialized synonyms: Coordinator, Orderer, Systematiser, Systematist, Systematizer, Systemiser, Systemizer
Generic synonyms: Thinker
Derivative terms: Arrange, Arrange, Organize

2. Noun. Someone who enlists workers to join a union.
Exact synonyms: Labor Organizer, Organiser
Generic synonyms: Union Representative
Specialized synonyms: Debs, Eugene V. Debs, Eugene Victor Debs
Derivative terms: Organize, Organize

3. Noun. A lightweight consumer electronic device that looks like a hand-held computer but instead performs specific tasks; can serve as a diary or a personal database or a telephone or an alarm clock etc..

Definition of Organizer

1. n. One who organizes.

Definition of Organizer

1. Noun. A person who arranges the details of a public event ¹

2. Noun. (computing) A hand-held micro-computer that will perform specific tasks; can be used as an electronic diary, alarm clock, recorder of memos and notes, a portable database etc. ¹

3. Noun. (medicine) A group of cells that, together with the evocator, control differentiation in the embryo; the inductor ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Organizer

1. [n -S]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Organizer

organizational breakdown structure
organizational case studies
organizational chart
organizational culture
organizational innovation
organizational objectives
organizational policy
organized baseball
organized crime
organized religion
organized religions

Literary usage of Organizer

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Library Journal by American Library Association, Library Association (1898)
"""THE organizer may have from one week to three or four months in which to ... The professional organizer must usually carry her own library of text and ..."

2. Democratic Ideals and Reality: A Study in the Politics of Reconstruction by Halford John Mackinder (1919)
"The organizer is thinking how to use men; but the democrat is thinking of the rights of men, which rights are so many rocks in the way of the organizer. ..."

3. The Teacher and the School by Chauncey Peter Colegrove (1922)
"PART II THE TEACHER AS Organizer CHAPTER VII AMERICAN DEMOCRACY AND COMMON ... Before the teacher can understand his work as an organizer he must know ..."

4. The Trade Union Woman by Alice Henry (1915)
"VII THE WOMAN Organizer The problems that face the woman organizer are many and complex. ... The woman organizer turns to the more experienced men leaders, ..."

5. The American Library Annual: Including Index to Dates of Current Events (1915)
"Organizer, Miss DV Culbreth. Meetings, 3d Thursday in Jan., April, ... Organizer, Miss Fannie C. Raw- son. Frankfort. Board members, MS George A. Flournoy. ..."

6. Economics: A Practical Exposition of the Science of Business, with by Edward Sherwood Mead (1914)
"The organizer is the commander-in-chief of his particular industry. It is not his duty to do any of the detail work, either with his hands or his brain. ..."

7. Papers and Proceedings of the ... General Meeting of the American Library by General Meeting, American Library Association (1898)
"'"THE organizer may have from one week to three or four months in which to ... The professional organizer must usually carry her own library of text and ..."

8. Discrimination Against the Japanese in California: A Review of the Real by Herbert Buell Johnson (1907)
"State Organizer of Labor Takes a Hand. In further illustration of the relation of organized labor to this movement, I note that one of the daily papers in ..."

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