Definition of Numerically

1. Adverb. In number; with regard to numbers. "In ten years' time the Oxbridge mathematicians, scientists, and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now"

Partainyms: Numerical

Definition of Numerically

1. adv. In a numerical manner; in numbers; with respect to number, or sameness in number; as, a thing is numerically the same, or numerically different.

Definition of Numerically

1. Adverb. In a numerical manner. ¹

2. Adverb. In terms of numbers. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Numerically

1. [adv]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Numerically

numeri clausi
numeric complement
numerical adjective
numerical adjectives
numerical analysis
numerical aperture
numerical hypertrophy
numerical notation for teeth
numerical noun
numerical quantity
numerical taxonomy
numero sign
numero signs
numero symbol
numero symbols

Literary usage of Numerically

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Algebra for the Use of Colleges and Schools: With Numerous Examples by Isaac Todhunter (1879)
"The aeries obtained by expanding (l+a;)" by the Binomial Theorem is convergent if-als numerically less than unity. For the ratio of the (r + I)'" term to ..."

2. Algebra for the Use of Colleges and Schools: With Numerous Examples by Isaac Todhunter (1879)
"The series obtained by expanding (l+x)a by the Binomial Theorem is convergent if x is numerically less tlum unity. For the ratio of the (r + l)th term to ..."

3. Algebra: An Elementary Text-book for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools by George Chrystal (1893)
"... easily secured by a little attention in each particular case. We proceed to discuss the other two. § 13.] Tlie order of the numerically greatest term. ..."

4. The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the by Charles George Herbermann (1913)
"He means that the jorma nativa is not really (numerically) one and the same in omnibus, but only conceptually, ie by the consideration of the mind ; so much ..."

5. The Nature of Truth: An Essay by Harold Henry Joachim (1906)
"The temporal and spatial relations, I further understand you to say, are in all cases precisely and numerically the same relations. ..."

6. Coordinate Geometry by Henry Burchard Fine, Henry Dallas Thompson (1909)
"Since sin x = — sin (x — тг), as x increases from тг to 2 тг, y will run through the negative values equal numerically to the positive values through which ..."

7. The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events by Frank Moore, Edward Everett (1861)
"The display of society banners, badges, and mottoes was numerically fine, tho most common being those of Turner Societies exhibiting an ogling night owl ..."

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