Definition of Mastication

1. Noun. Biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow.

Exact synonyms: Chew, Chewing, Manduction
Generic synonyms: Change Of State
Specialized synonyms: Chomping, Gumming, Mumbling, Rumination
Group relationships: Eating, Feeding
Derivative terms: Chew, Chewy, Chewy, Chew, Masticate

Definition of Mastication

1. n. The act or operation of masticating; chewing, as of food.

Definition of Mastication

1. Noun. The process of chewing. ¹

2. Noun. The process of crushing as though chewed. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Mastication

1. [n -S]

Medical Definition of Mastication

1. The process of chewing food in preparation for swallowing and digestion. (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Mastication

masticating cycles
masticating surface
masticator nerve
masticatory apparatus
masticatory diplegia
masticatory force
masticatory muscles
masticatory nucleus
masticatory silent period
masticatory spasm
masticatory surface

Literary usage of Mastication

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Handbook of Physiology by William Dobinson Halliburton (1913)
"We shall therefore have to consider mastication, deglutition, the movements ... Mastication. The act of mastication is performed by the biting and grinding ..."

2. A Text-book of Human Physiology by Austin Flint (1888)
"In treating of the physiology of digestion, a table has been given of the muscles of mastication, with a description of their action. ..."

3. A Textbook of Physiology by Michael Foster (1889)
"Mastication. This in man consists chiefly of an up and down movement of the ... During mastication the food is moved to and fro, and rolled about by the ..."

4. The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal by Stephen Denison Peet (1905)
"The broad face, the irge mouth, the big head of the Mongol, all arise from the increased labor of mastication forced upon him by the necessities of his new ..."

5. Principles of human physiology by William Benjamin Carpenter, Henry Power (1864)
"The movements of Mastication, still more than those already adverted-to, although under the ... Every one is conscious that the act of mastication may be ..."

6. Medical lexicon: A Dictionary of Medical Science by Robley Dunglison (1856)
"Re nting or appertaining to mastication or cawing. Also, a substance, chewed with the intention of exciting the secretion of saliva. ..."

7. A Text Book of Physiology by Michael Foster (1899)
"Mastication. This in man consists chiefly of an up and down movement of the ... During mastication the food is moved to and fro, and rolled about by the ..."

8. The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal by Stephen Denison Peet (1905)
"The broad face, the large mouth, the big head of the Mongol, all arise from the increased labor of mastication forced upon him by the necessities of his new ..."

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