Definition of Enslavement
1. Noun. The state of being a slave. "So every bondman in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity"
2. Noun. The act of making slaves of your captives.
Definition of Enslavement
1. n. The act of reducing to slavery; state of being enslaved; bondage; servitude.
Definition of Enslavement
1. Noun. The act of enslaving or the state of being a slave; bondage ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Enslavement
1. [n -S]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Enslavement
Literary usage of Enslavement
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Sinfulness of American Slavery: Proved from Its Evil Sources; Its Injustice by Charles Elliott (1851)
"THE Enslavement OF CHILDREN. As the enslavement of children, as soon as they are
born, is become now the substitute of the African slave-trade, and, ..."
2. The Law of War Between Belligerents: A History and Commentary by Percy Bordwell (1908)
"The demand for slaves died out, and without the demand the continued enslavement
of prisoners of war was unlikely. So the dying out of slavery was partly ..."
3. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science by Johns Hopkins University, Herbert Baxter Adams (1902)
"Consequently the enslavement of Englishmen or persons born in Christian lands
was abhorrent. No .such feeling was extended to the heathen, whether Jew, ..."
4. The Nation's Sin and Punishment: Or, The Hand of God Visible in the by Stephen Alexander]. [Hodgman (1864)
"Enslavement OF THE MIND. ... It would indeed be difficult, nay, impossible to
imagine a state of the total enslavement of the body, which should not involve ..."
5. Plantation and Frontier Documents: 1649-1863: Illustrative of Industrial by John R. Commons, Ulrich Bonnell Phillips (1909)
"VOLUNTARY Enslavement (a) Petition of Lucinda, a free negress, to be made a slave.
MS. in Virginia State Archives, Richmond. To this Legislature of the ..."
6. Memoirs and Remains of the Reverend Walter Inglis, African Missionary and by William Cochrane (1887)
"Edwards and Inglis against Child Enslavement—Summoned before the Valks- raad,
... The result of this had been the oppression, enslavement, and spoliation of ..."
7. Russia by Alfred Rambaud, Edgar Saltus (1898)
"Enslavement OF RUSSIA. Origin and manners of the Mongols—Battles of the Kalka,
of Riazan, ot Kolomna, and of the Sit—Conquest of Russia—Alexander Nevski—The ..."