Definition of Elevators

1. Noun. (plural of elevator) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Elevators

1. elevator [n] - See also: elevator

Lexicographical Neighbors of Elevators

elevator muscle of upper eyelid
elevator muscle of upper lip
elevator muscle of upper lip and wing of nose
elevator music
elevator operator
elevator shaft
elevator shoe
elevator shoes
elevator surfer
elevator surfers
elevator surfing
elevator talk
elevators and escalators
eleven hundred
eleven o'clock
eleven plus
eleven pluses
eleven thousand

Literary usage of Elevators

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Proceedings of the ... Annual Convention by Mid-West Cement Users' Association (1917)
"CONCRETE Elevators. BY BARNEY I. WELLER.* EARLY HISTORY OF GRAIN Elevators. Elevators as a means of housing and handling grain did not make their appearance ..."

2. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1890)
"The plaintiff is engaged in the business of constructing elevators and putting them into buildings. The complaint sets forth a contract between the ..."

3. Agricultural Commerce: The Organization of American Commerce in Agricultural by Grover Gerhardt Huebner (1915)
"MANAGEMENT OF COUNTRY GRAIN Elevators Classification of Country Elevators.—Country grain elevators are owned and managed in three principal ways: (1) by ..."

4. International Library of Technology: A Series of Textbooks for Persons by International Textbook Company (1902)
"37 one that we shall adopt, is as follows: Hand-power elevators, belt elevators, steam elevators, electric elevators, and hydraulic elevators. ..."

5. Agricultural Commerce: The Organization of American Commerce in Agricultural by Grover Gerhardt Huebner (1915)
"MANAGEMENT OF COUNTRY GRAIN Elevators Classification of Country Elevators.—Country grain elevators are owned and managed in three principal ways: (1) by ..."

6. The Engineering Index Annual for by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1909)
"Illustrates and describes Elevators a new hydraulic 25-ton coal hoist and a 4O-ton hydraulic coaling crane recently introduced. 1200 w. Engr, Lond—June 19, ..."

7. Handbook of Building Construction: Data for Architects, Designing and by Nathan Clarke Johnson, George Albert Hool (1920)
"In the largest buildings, each group of elevators is stopped off at the topmost floor which it serves, thus keeping the cost down and conserving space on ..."

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