Definition of Economically

1. Adverb. With respect to economic science. "Economically this proposal makes no sense"

Partainyms: Economic

2. Adverb. In an economical manner.
Partainyms: Economic

3. Adverb. With respect to the economic system. "Economically the country is worse off"
Partainyms: Economic

Definition of Economically

1. adv. With economy; with careful management; with prudence in expenditure.

Definition of Economically

1. Adverb. (context: manner) In an economical manner; not wastefully; not extravagantly; prudently. ¹

2. Adverb. (context: domain) From the perspective of economics or an economy. ¹

3. Adverb. (theology) According to divine economy. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Economically

1. [adv]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Economically

economic nationalisms
economic output
economic policy
economic process
economic refugee
economic rent
economic science
economic sector
economic strangulation
economic system
economic theory
economic value
economic value of life
economical with the truth
economics department
economics profession
economies of scale

Literary usage of Economically

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Opportunity 2000: Creative Affirmative Action Strategies for a Changing (1988)
"Retaining and Promoting Minorities and the Economically Disadvantaged Companies ... And in a tight labor market in which minorities and the economically ..."

2. Small Business Innovation Research: Program Solicitation (1993)
"2.4 SOCIALLY AND Economically DISADVANTAGED SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN A socially and economically disadvantaged small business concern is one: a. that is at ..."

3. Kids, Cops & Communities by Marcia R. Chaiken (1999)
"Youth-Serving Organizations Are Reaching Kids in Economically Depressed Urban Areas Our conversations with key staff of the national organizations ..."

4. The Call of the Hen; Or, The Science of the Selection and Breeding of Poultry by National Council of Teachers of English Committee on Recreational Reading, Walter Hogan, Sherman Dickinson, Harry Reynolds Lewis, Raymond William Gregory, Louis Renou, B. K. Hindse, A. V. Leontovich, Arthur John Arberry (1913)
"If they were of the beef type their vitality and ability to produce flesh economically would diminish with each generation. If they were a fancy type the ..."

5. Report by North Dakota State Budget Board (1912)
"Economic Defects: The statute quoted above is economically defective in laying down the rule for determining the value of "corporate excess. ..."

6. The Popular Science MonthlySci (1893)
"SMILEY, C: W. Altruism economically considered, 84 : 53. SMITH, CHAUNCEY. Influence, The, of inventions upon civilization, 28:474, 656. ..."

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