¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Distortions
1. distortion [n] - See also: distortion
Lexicographical Neighbors of Distortions
Literary usage of Distortions
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Mathematical and Physical Papers: Collected from Different Scientific by Baron William Thomson Kelvin, Sir Joseph Larmor, James Prescott Joule (1890)
"LIMITS OF ELASTICITY (CONTINUED)—Elasticity of Shape for Distortions not Uniform
through the Substance, and for Compound Distortions; and Elasticity ..."
2. Agricultural Trade and Poverty: Making Policy Analysis Count edited by Jonathan Brooks (2003)
"It then looks at the empirical issues of estimating support in transition economies,
focusing specifically on the measurement of domestic price distortions. ..."
3. Modern perspective: a treatise upon the principles and practice of plane and by William Robert Ware (1882)
"THE previous chapter has discussed the so-called distortions to which circular
... Similar distortions, it was shown, attend the putting of the human figure ..."
4. Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery by Bransby Blake Cooper (1852)
"Distortions OF JOINTS. Origin of the disorder ; question whether local or ...
Hippocrates has described such distortions, and the means to be adopted for ..."
5. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal (1825)
"On the Nature and Treatment of the Distortions to "which the Spine and the Bones
of the Chest are subject. With an Inquiry into the Merits of the several ..."
6. Encyclopaedia Americana: A Popular Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature by Francis Lieber, Thomas Gamaliel Bradford (1832)
"Distortions of the Spine are the unnatural inflections of the spine, ...
frequently occasion distortions, by losing their vigor; for the spine, ..."