Definition of Dictatorship

1. Noun. A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.).

Definition of Dictatorship

1. n. The office, or the term of office, of a dictator; hence, absolute power.

Definition of Dictatorship

1. Noun. A type of government where absolute sovereignty is allotted to an individual or a small clique. ¹

2. Noun. A government which exercises autocratic rule. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Dictatorship

1. [n -S]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dictatorship

dictated but not read
dictation machine
dictation machines
dictatorship of the majority
dictatorship of the proletariat

Literary usage of Dictatorship

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The History of Rome by Wilhelm Ihne (1871)
"The dictatorship served this purpose. By decree of the senate one of the ... The dictatorship was a formal suspension of the constitution of the republic. ..."

2. The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte by Auguste Comte, Frederic Harrison (1896)
"This long dictatorship, royal or aristocratic, was at once the consequence and ... The operation of the dictatorship, Royal and in the one case in England, ..."

3. American Supremacy: The Rise and Progress of the Latin American Republics by George Washington Crichfield (1908)
"If everything else in South America indicates lightning changes bordering on anarchy, the military dictatorship may at least be considered as perennial. ..."

4. The Proletarian Revolution in Russia by Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, Leon Trotsky (1918)
"IV DEMOCRACY AND PROLETARIAN Dictatorship The resolution of the March Congress of the Soviets advocates, as the most important problem at present, ..."

5. Readings in American Democracy by Thames Ross Williamson (1922)
"Lenin and Trotzky established a dictatorship of the proletariat. In defending this dictatorship, Lenin declared it to be a normal and familiar stage in ..."

6. A Brief History of the Great War by Carlton Joseph Huntley Hayes (1920)
"Military dictatorship had likewise failed. Dictatorship OF THE BOLSHEVIKI: THE NOVEMBER (1917) REVOLUTION One of the chief reasons why Kerensky lost the ..."

7. The History of Rome by Wilhelm Ihne (1871)
"The dictatorship served this purpose. By decree of the senate one of the ... The dictatorship was a formal suspension of the constitution of the republic. ..."

8. The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte by Auguste Comte, Frederic Harrison (1896)
"This long dictatorship, royal or aristocratic, was at once the consequence and ... The operation of the dictatorship, Royal and in the one case in England, ..."

9. American Supremacy: The Rise and Progress of the Latin American Republics by George Washington Crichfield (1908)
"If everything else in South America indicates lightning changes bordering on anarchy, the military dictatorship may at least be considered as perennial. ..."

10. The Proletarian Revolution in Russia by Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, Leon Trotsky (1918)
"IV DEMOCRACY AND PROLETARIAN Dictatorship The resolution of the March Congress of the Soviets advocates, as the most important problem at present, ..."

11. Readings in American Democracy by Thames Ross Williamson (1922)
"Lenin and Trotzky established a dictatorship of the proletariat. In defending this dictatorship, Lenin declared it to be a normal and familiar stage in ..."

12. A Brief History of the Great War by Carlton Joseph Huntley Hayes (1920)
"Military dictatorship had likewise failed. Dictatorship OF THE BOLSHEVIKI: THE NOVEMBER (1917) REVOLUTION One of the chief reasons why Kerensky lost the ..."

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