Medical Definition of CD4/CD8 count
1. The ratio of the number of helper-inducer T lymphocytes to cytotoxic-suppressor T lymphocytes, as measured by monoclonal antibodies to the CD4 surface antigen found on helper-inducer T-cells, and the CD8 surface antigen found on cytotoxic-suppressor T-cells. In healthy individuals, the H/S ratio ranges between 1.6 and 2.2.When the body mounts an immune response, as against a virus or a transplant, the ratio is almost always reduced because of a decrease in the number of circulating helper-inducer cells and an increase in suppressor cells. The CD4/CD8 count has been used to monitor for signs of organ rejection after transplants, and more recently has become a tool for assessing the relative condition of HIV patients. With the CD4 absolute count and the CD4 lymphocyte percentage, it provides a way of gauging the progression from HIV to AIDS. (05 Mar 2000)