¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Boutiques
1. boutique [n] - See also: boutique
Lexicographical Neighbors of Boutiques
Literary usage of Boutiques
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Medical lexicon: A Dictionary of Medical Science, Containing a Concise by Robley Dunglison (1866)
"Cassia fístula—c. en Bois, Laurus cassia —e. de» Boutiques, Cassia fistula—c.
Sine, Cassia senna. CASSE-LUNETTE, (casier, 'to break,' and linn it", ..."
2. St. Martin and St. Barts Alive! by Harriet Greenberg (2003)
"Gustavia Boutiques Most of the designer boutiques are in Le Carre d'Or, a
multi-level mall that looks like a mini- version of Los Angeles' Rodeo Drive. ..."
3. The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society by Manchester Geographical Society (1906)
"Tho wants of the Cingalese are few—Nature being most bountiful—but such wants as
they have are amply supplied by those village "boutiques. ..."
4. The Channel Islands: Jersey, Guernsey, Aldernay, &c. (the Results of a Two by Henry David Inglis (1834)
"... Little Serk, and its singularities; anecdote; rock scenery of Serk ; the "
boutiques." IP Jersey and Guernsey be imperfectly known in England, ..."