Definition of Blackened

1. Adjective. Darkened by smoke. "Blackened rafters"

Similar to: Smoky

2. Adjective. (of the face) made black especially as with suffused blood. "A face black with fury"
Exact synonyms: Black
Similar to: Colored, Colorful, Coloured

Definition of Blackened

1. Adjective. Darkened to the degree that something appears almost black in color. ¹

2. Verb. (past of blacken) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Blackened

1. blacken [v] - See also: blacken

Lexicographical Neighbors of Blackened

blacke sanctus
blacke santis
blacke santus
blacke saunts
blacken out

Literary usage of Blackened

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Electrical Review (1881)
"One side of the flask was blackened on the out- a'de, the other side remaining clear. a. ... On exposing the blackened side, no sounds e produced. 30. ..."

2. The American Naturalist by American Society of Naturalists, Essex Institute (1904)
"In the typical osmic acid preparation they appear as irregularly spherical bodies, blackened throughout but most intensely so at the point of origin of the ..."

3. Smithsonian Physical Tables by Smithsonian Institution, Thomas Gray (1896)
"According to McFarlane* the rate of loss of heat by a sphere placed in the centre of a spherical enclosure which has a blackened surface, and is ki-pt at a ..."

4. Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge by ed Andrew Findlater, John Merry Ross (1868)
"A practical illustration of this is seen in the fact, that a blackened kettle is that in which water is most speedily boiled, while a polished one keeps the ..."

5. A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin: Presenting the Original Facts and Documents Upon by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1853)
"He can accuse him of any crime, yet withhold from him all right of trial or investigation, and sell him into captivity, with his name blackened by an ..."

6. John L. Stoddard's Lectures: Supplementary Volume[s]. by John Lawson Stoddard (1901)
"Heaven forbid that any child of Albion or Erin should seek to resurrect the ghosts of those crime-blackened centuries! Let them remain, amid the countless ..."

7. Curiosities of the American Stage by Laurence Hutton (1890)
"Friday, in coffee-colored tights and blackened face, was naturally a prominent figure. The pantomime was produced at the Theatre Royal, Bath, ..."

8. The Electrical Review (1881)
"One side of the flask was blackened on the out- a'de, the other side remaining clear. a. ... On exposing the blackened side, no sounds e produced. 30. ..."

9. The American Naturalist by American Society of Naturalists, Essex Institute (1904)
"In the typical osmic acid preparation they appear as irregularly spherical bodies, blackened throughout but most intensely so at the point of origin of the ..."

10. Smithsonian Physical Tables by Smithsonian Institution, Thomas Gray (1896)
"According to McFarlane* the rate of loss of heat by a sphere placed in the centre of a spherical enclosure which has a blackened surface, and is ki-pt at a ..."

11. Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge by ed Andrew Findlater, John Merry Ross (1868)
"A practical illustration of this is seen in the fact, that a blackened kettle is that in which water is most speedily boiled, while a polished one keeps the ..."

12. A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin: Presenting the Original Facts and Documents Upon by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1853)
"He can accuse him of any crime, yet withhold from him all right of trial or investigation, and sell him into captivity, with his name blackened by an ..."

13. John L. Stoddard's Lectures: Supplementary Volume[s]. by John Lawson Stoddard (1901)
"Heaven forbid that any child of Albion or Erin should seek to resurrect the ghosts of those crime-blackened centuries! Let them remain, amid the countless ..."

14. Curiosities of the American Stage by Laurence Hutton (1890)
"Friday, in coffee-colored tights and blackened face, was naturally a prominent figure. The pantomime was produced at the Theatre Royal, Bath, ..."

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