Definition of Attachers

1. Noun. (plural of attacher) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Attachers

1. attacher [n] - See also: attacher

Lexicographical Neighbors of Attachers

attach to
attache case
attached annulus
attached cranial section
attached craniotomy
attached gingiva
attachiamenta de spinis et boscis
attachment apparatus
attachment disorder
attachment sites
attaché case
attaché cases
attack aircraft

Literary usage of Attachers

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Treatise on Attachment and Garnishment by Rufus Waples (1885)
"Junior Attachers. Junior attachers, and the holders of junior liens of any kind, have no right to intervene in the suit of the first attacher, ..."

2. A Treatise on the Law of Suits by Attachment in the United States by Charles Daniel Drake (1891)
"So, where the first of several attachers having a claim large enough to absorb all the property attached, by agreement with the defendant took all the ..."

3. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia by James Thomson, Fitzgerald Cochran, Nova Scotia Supreme Court (1860)
"Tobin and Dwyer, claiming an interest in the property attached in this cause as subsequent attachers, dispute the effect and validity of the attachment ..."

4. Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court, Court of Chancery and by James Horsfield Peters, Thomas Heath Haviland, Prince Edward Island Supreme Court (1872)
"The true rule in these cases appears to me to be that where mere irregularity exists which may be waived by the defendant, other attachers cannot move to ..."

5. Epitome of the Laws of Nova-Scotia by Beamish Murdoch (1833)
"... who thereupon levied his execution for his debt and costs in full, and the subsequent attachers endeavored to obtain a rule against the sheriff (who had ..."

6. The Records of the Proceedings of the Justiciary Court, Edinburgh, 1661-1678 by Edinburgh (Scotland). Justiciary Court, William George Scott-Moncrieff, John W. Weston (1905)
"But 2° even where the Justices has been the first attachers, the Act of parl. does expresly allow the Lords and Baillies of ..."

7. A Collection of the Laws and Canons of the Church of England: From Its First by John Johnson, John Baron, Church of England (1851)
"And if these sacrilegious cause the judges or prelates to be attached or distressed on this account, let them and the attachers be smitten with the ..."

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