Definition of Two for two

1. Adjective. (idiomatic baseball) In baseball, meeting two out of two attempts at-bat. Specifically, it means the batter has reached base safely two out of two times. ¹

2. Adjective. (idiomatic) Successful at both of two efforts. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Two For Two

two and eight
two beers, please
two birds with one stone
two bits
two bob
two by four
two by fours
two can play at that game
two can play that game
two cents
two dimensional gel electrophoresis
two dollar bill
two dozen
two fat ladies
two for two (current term)
two heads are better than one
two hundred
two iron
two left feet
two o'clock
two of a kind
two pair
two pairs
two penn'orth
two pennies' worth
two pennorth
two pips
two pot screamer
two second rule

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