Definition of Seventh-day adventism

1. Noun. Adventism that is strongly Protestant and observes Saturday as the Sabbath.

Generic synonyms: Adventism, Second Adventism

Definition of Seventh-day adventism

1. Proper noun. A Christian denomination founded by Ellen White, emphasizing Sabbath observance, healthy diet, and the soon return of Jesus Christ. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Seventh-day Adventism

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Seven Wonders of the World
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Seventh-Day Adventism
Seventh-day Adventism
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Seventh Avenue
Seventh Crusade
Severinghaus electrode
Severn River
Severnaya Zemlya
Severo Ochoa

Literary usage of Seventh-day adventism

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal : an Annotated Topical Bibliography by Steven C. Kettler (1993)
"GCB Seventh Day Adventists Gerstner, John H., Teachings of Seventh-Day Adventism (Grand Rapids, Ml: Baker Book House). ..."

2. Experiences of a Pioneer Minister of Minnesota by William B. Hill, J.A. Folsom & Co. (Minneapolis, Minn.). (1892)
"He had sometime previously preached what he called the funeral sermon of Seventh Day Adventism. It looked a little dubious about the decision, ..."

3. American Poetry by Percy Holmes Boynton, George Wiley Sherburn, Howard Mumford Jones, Frank Martindale Webster (1918)
"In the same sense, "Latter Day Warnings" was directed at the state of mind in which Seventh Day Adventism could flourish, rather than at "Miller's Saints. ..."

4. American Poetry by Percy Holmes Boynton, Howard Mumford Jones, George Wiley Sherburn, Frank Martindale Webster (1918)
""Latter Day Warnings" was directed at the state of mind in which Seventh Day Adventism could flourish, rather than at "Miller's Saints. ..."

5. The Theocratic Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus, the Christ, as Covenanted in the by George Nathaniel Henry Peters (1884)
"... antagonistic parties among themselves) but themselves, thus evincing the lack of the greatest of all Christian graces ; or with Seventh-Day Adventism, ..."

6. A Historical Geography of the British Colonies by Charles Prestwood Lucas (1907)
"In 1886 the whole community was converted to seventh-day adventism; but in those longitudes, unless men are careful, Sunday is Saturday or Saturday Sunday ..."

7. Bible Doctrine: A Treatise on the Great Doctrines of the Bible, Pertaining by Daniel Kauffman (1914)
"... and we are no *Let those who wish to pursue the subject farther in greater detail consult the book, "Seventh Day Adventism Renounced," by DM Canright. ..."

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