Definition of Passmen

1. Noun. (plural of passman) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Passmen

1. passman [n] - See also: passman

Literary usage of Passmen

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Economic Review by Christian Social Union (Great Britain), Oxford University Branch (1898)
"At Oxford, some of the subjects commonly taken up by passmen—the elements of logic and the first four books of the Ethics of Aristotle, or two books of the ..."

2. Proceedings by Classical Association (Great Britain) (1906)
"I believe that the change, as it will lighten the burdens of the passmen, will also have good effect on the teaching of those who are going to be scholars; ..."

3. The Contemporary Review (1891)
"I am sure that among Mr. Wright-Henderson's two thousand passmen there were a great many who, if they had made their beginning in this way, might have grown ..."

4. Proceedings by Classical Association (Great Britain) (1906)
"I believe that the change, as it will lighten the burdens of the passmen, will also have good effect on the teaching of those who are going to be scholars ..."

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