Definition of Massing

1. Verb. (present participle of mass) ¹

2. Noun. A bringing together into a mass. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Massing

1. mass [v] - See also: mass

Literary usage of Massing

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Genesis of Art-form: An Essay in Comparative æsthetics Showing the by George Lansing Raymond (1893)
"massing OR BREADTH. Connection between the Methods next on our List and those already Considered—massing—Its Object is to Produce Cumulative or General ..."

2. Botanical Abstracts by Board of Control of Botanical Abstracts (1920)
"Madame Edouard Herriot, (Pernet-Ducher), 1913—very floriferous, coral red shaded yellow and saffron red, passing to shrimp red; incomparable for massing and ..."

3. The Rhetorical Principles of Narration by Carroll Lewis Maxcy (1911)
"'(a) massing We are taught that in the sentence and in the paragraph the ... The cumulative effect of judicious massing in the paragraph is seen in the ..."

4. The Essentials of æsthetics in Music, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture and by George Lansing Raymond (1921)
"... Alteration, and Alternation in Music and Poetry—In Arts of Sights—massing in Music and Poetry—massing or Breadth in Painting—Illustrations—In Sculpture ..."

5. Striking for Life: Labor's Side of the Labor Question : the Right of the by John Swinton, Samuel Gompers, Eugene Victor Debs, John William Hayes (1894)
"THE massing OF CAPITAL—THE WIELDERS OF POWER. |F the array of facts in the foregoing chapter shall attract the interest of intelligent workers, ..."

6. A Momentous Question: The Respective Attitudes of Labor and Capital by John Swinton (1895)
"THE massing OF CAPITAL. JF the array of facts in the foregoing chapter shall attract the interest of intelligent workers, or stir them up to action, ..."

7. The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events by Frank Moore, Edward Everett (1868)
"... and small detachments of the Ninth Missouri State militia and Seventeenth Illinois cavalry. around, massing on the west, and finally retiring. ..."

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